Friendly & Fantastic
Service for
Fun & Fabulous

Why not do something to touch people around us through our own uniqueness!

Galerie F&F 成立於 2014 年,以亞洲當代藝術為主要經營方向,創辦人夫婦從藏家的身分為出發點,深受亞洲當代藝術作品及創作者感動與啓發,意識到台灣的藝術領域裡需要更多新血投入經營與推廣,因此以藝術生活化、藝術多元化、在地文化國際化等為藝術觀點做為主軸,希望透過經營及代理的藝術作品,帶給每一位藝術愛好者正面能量及美感的體驗。開幕初期更創新以獨家代理國外藝廊品牌的模式策劃多元及跨界、跨國展覽,帶給大家耳目一新的視覺饗宴,期望透過不設限的視角來呼應我們秉持的 WHY NOT 精神:何不讓自己最獨特的光與熱,轉化為行動持續感動他人!

About us

Galerie F&F was founded in 2014 in Taipei. Founder Steven & Elaine started their art path as young-salaryman collectors, who were deeply touched and inspired by contemporary art of Asia. Mr. & Mrs. Tseng were soon aware of the necessity of new blood to devote into art industry in their homeland, Taiwan. Therefore, with the main theme of ART INTO DAILY LIFE, ART OF VARIETY, TAIWANESE CULTURE GOES GLOBAL, we wish to bring positive energy and appreciation of beauty through excellent artists and artworks we introduce to every art-lover. At the very beginning period of Galerie F&F, Mr. & Mrs. Tseng brought forth new idea to exclusively represent foreign gallery brand into Taiwan, curating quite a few diversified, crossover, and transnational exhibitions, which gave audiences a brand new perspective and a feast of visual sense. Through unlimited angles we hope to correspond our “WHY NOT?!” spirit – Why not do something to touch people around us through our own uniqueness!


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